Join The OutSingCancer Choir
We are a unique choir whose members lives have been affected by cancer. Under the leadership of Andre Da Silva our amazing Musical Director we sing together on different levels sopranos, altos and baritones.
We currently have over fifty members split into two choirs who come together to embrace the joy of singing.

Taster Session
Any potential new member is welcome to try a free ‘taster session’ (without obligation). If at the end of the session they decide they wish to become a member they will be offered three different levels of membership depending on how many times they wish to attend rehearsals.
Membership Fees
There is no annual Fee and Members are able to take a break, or sabbatical at any period by email notification and cancellation of their standing order. They can rejoin the choir at the beginning of a month by completing an application form and setting up their standing order once again. Details of membership options are:
Option 1. One rehearsal a week - £18.00 per month
Option 2. One rehearsal every week and one additional rehearsal every other week – so two every other week £27.00 per month
Option 3. Two rehearsals a week - £36.00 per month
Standing orders need to become effective by the 1st of every month.
Standing Orders should be paid into the Cancer United Bank Account as follows:
SORT CODE - 30-84-20
ACCOUNT NO - 32128960
Refunds or credits
Membership of OutSingCancer is based on the same principle as any local leisure centre or social club which means that fees must be paid even if members miss a rehearsal.
Because choir costs are fixed through the year; if rehearsals are cancelled for reasons such as bank holidays or hall being used as polling stations we are unable to give any refund
If members of the choir wish to start to perform and have attended enough rehearsals for them to be able to do so they will be issued with a uniform which they will be asked to sign for. Members are responsible for keeping the uniform clean and must wear all parts at performances so that the choir looks professional.
Once a member decides to leave the complete uniform must be handed back in a good and clean condition. Music scores and folders must also be returned.
New members wish to joined will be assumed to be medically fit to undertake the demands of choir rehearsals and performances. If a member has any doubts, these should be indicated to the Musical Director prior to them taking up membership.
Photography and Videography
By joining OutSingCancer Choir it is agreed that photos and video footage may be taken of all members and used for advertising and marketing purposes. If this causes any problems or concerns for any member they might highlight immediately to one of the Reps who will convey that back to whomsoever is organising the photos/video.
Payment for Performances
There maybe circumstances where the Choir is paid (via a donation to Cancer United) to perform. Please note that it is explicit that individual members will not receive any payment for such performances.
Members are required to attend a minimum of 2 rehearsals a month to be able to keep up with current and new songs 6 weeks prior to public performances. It is entirely at the discretion of the Musical Director as to whether members are performance ready which will be based on attendance and knowledge of the repertoire.
Code of Conduct
Members are asked to arrive promptly to rehearsals or to performances. A headcount of all members will be undertaken prior to a performance to ensure that all those who are listed as taking part have arrived at the venue. If any member wishes to leave at any time during the performance for any reason - for the purpose of health and safety - they must inform their reps they wish to leave and identify the reason.
Whilst we appreciate members spreading the word about the magic of the choir members should not take it upon themselves to speak officially about the choir or book events.
Any leads or enquiries should be forwarded to the Reps who will pass them onto the office to deal with.
Please note that under copyright law, reproduction of certain music and songs in the public domain is not permitted without appropriate licences.
This includes uploading recordings on the internet via Youtube, Facebook and other social media, or playing recordings through power point, DVD, CD etc. Please do not post any video of the choir without receiving permission to do so because we have a digital marketing strategy in place where video clips will be posted at appropriate times to obtain the best coverage.
In the unlikely event that any form of negativity or unacceptable behaviour occurs from any member and is targeted towards any other member or choir rep we will have no alternative but to cancel their membership
Want to find out more?
Email: Phone: 01903 779880