As a relatively large women’s running club of over 200 members, we have unfortunately witnessed firsthand so many of our ladies’ experience cancer. Whether they have fought it, are currently going through it, or are living with it, they continue to be an inspiration to the rest of the club. Their determination, positive attitude, and zest for life shines through. Nearly all of our members have had family and loved ones affected by cancer or sadly lost to it.
We wanted to show that although cancer has affected a high number of our small community you don’t have to give up the things you love because of it. We hope this calendar will give an insight to our ladies’ running year and what keeps us all going month by month.
This calendar would have not been possible without the support of the Foxy Ladies Running Club members, the committee, and the generosity of all these amazing contributors who gave their time or services free of charge. We were lucky enough to have secured free services from a
professional photographer, designer and printers for which we are truly grateful.
This means that all the proceeds raised from sales will go directly to our chosen charities, Macmillan and Cancer United. These charities have supported many of our members - and their families and have really made a difference to their lives.
Pre-Order yours now!
The calendar is priced at £12.00.
Mid-November postage.
Postage is £2.99 from Royal Mail.​

Want to find out more?
Email: Phone: 01903 779880