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Members Representatives

Stephen Kingsley

I came to Cancer United in 2016 after having been diagnosed with Non Hodgkin’s

Lymphoma in 2015. Through the social support and physical activities of Pros Kick my

recovery was the best I could have hoped for. 


Since then I have enjoyed doing something outside of my comfort zone which is taking

part in a very classy choir including a variety of outside performances.


Some members put forward the wish to exercise through football, so we now have a weekly Walking Football session and in 2019 held our own open tournament.


I still currently work part time at the local college, Northbrook Met as a Combined Cadet Force Royal Navy Officer providing the administration for the cadets who are doing the Uniform Services FE courses.


I’ve been married to Sue for 35+ years and we currently have two Springer Spaniel young dogs. Our daughter also lives locally and we will be grandparents during 2021.


Mike Hawkey

Seven years ago my wife Stephanie was recovering from a lung cancer operation when

she came across a new cancer support group. She was one of the original members and

found the group at Cancer United incredibly friendly and supportive. 


I soon got involved and started helping to restore the Cancer United ‘BIG BUS’ after it

was badly vandalised.  


I now help out with CU transport driving the mini buses. Also, I play in the OUTKICKCANCER walking football team, which has a fantastic group of players all of who have been touched by cancer.


Annette Easingwood

I was diagnosed with stage 3 ovarian cancer 5 years ago and learned about Cancer

United the following year whilst undergoing treatment for my first recurrence. 


I joined the CUFITTER Gym to get fitter to cope with treatment, and haven't looked back.

I do several exercise classes a week, despite my cancer returning at the end of 2020, and

when not in lockdown, enjoy the company of my fellow walkers in OUTSTRIDECANCER.


I've been a member of OUTSINGCANCER since it started and represent the choir on the CU Committee. 


CU has become my extended family and I'm convinced that the combination of exercise, music and fellowship has helped me manage the effects of this disease and keeps me as well as I am. 


Sally Harper

I worked for British Caledonian Airways and British Airways and upon my early retirement

spent the next 15 years living on and travelling around Europe in a Dutch barge.


In 2015 I was diagnosed with breast cancer, had surgery and radiotherapy, since when

I have been on hormone therapy. 


I joined Cancer United on the advice of my GP as despite being a fit person who enjoyed walking on the Downs and swimming, I needed help with the side effects of my treatment. 


Cancer United were brilliant; really supportive and I was soon doing classes in their Angmering gym with their lead trainer, Dwayne. I was so impressed with their help and support that as well as joining the committee as the Gym Rep I now sing in the OUTSINGCANCER choir, walk with OUTSTRIDECANCER and am looking forward to joining OUTCYCLECANCER when lockdown ends.


During this pandemic their Zoom gym classes have been wonderful so that I have been able to maintain my fitness and see my fellow trainees despite having to stay at home.


Becky Maclaran

In 2014 aged 54, I was diagnosed with grade 2 Carcinoma, had a lumpectomy and FEC

chemo and then three weeks of radiotherapy. 


During the time I was undergoing chemo I found Cancer United who ran a

support group / Active Recovery Club which incorporated exercise and became a

wonderful social club for those touched by Cancer and their family. 


I became a member and volunteered at street fairs and any fundraising events for the charity. I got tremendous support from all the members and in turn became chemo buddy to anyone who needed to talk. 


I was one of the first people to sign up for the choir and have been singing with them ever since. I became chair of the entertainment committee which is now the MRC and we try and organise outings and get together to bring some normality into people’s lives.


Alison Ware

I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2015.  Whilst undergoing treatment, my Oncologist

recommended Cancer United who had a specialist gym ‘CUFitter’ which gives support to

maintain fitness throughout treatment and help combat side effects.  


I have now been attending a variety of CU Fitter gym classes over the last 5 years and

have also become secretary to the Members Representative Committee.  Through this

committee I have participated in a variety of events including; OutRunCancer, fundraising and assisting in the training programme that Cancer United offer.  Three years ago I joined OutSingCancer, which is a unique choir whose members lives have been affected by cancer and embrace the joy of singing together.


Geoff Hamilton

I'm Geoff. I am retired and live in Littlehampton. I joined the Cancer United Gym some

3.5 years ago, to strengthen up, prior to my first cancer surgery.


Since then I've become a CU Committee member and a Choir representative.

I am now limited to the amount of exercise I can do, but find that singing helps my core

strength, breathing and mental well being.


Helen Hamilton

Hello I'm Helen, I joined Cancer United over three years ago with my Husband

Geoff, who has cancer. We are now both on the Committee and are OutsingCancer choir

Reps. The choir has brought me joy and fun and helps to keep me in good spirits. 


One of my jobs before joining CU was as a Charity Shop Manager for several years,

which has enabled me to get involved in fundraising with Yvonne, sorting donated goods

for sale at our storage unit at Ford.


Judi Bond

My name is Judi and I have been running for over 15 years, 12 of which have been through

a diagnosis and treatment for kidney cancer. 


I am a qualified Leader in Running Fitness and licensed by England Athletics to lead

running groups and for the past few years I have led the two annual OUTRUNCANCER

events which have attracted runners from many different local running clubs as well as

families and friends of Cancer United. 


Running has not only kept me strong physically which has aided my recovery from the various unsavoury treatments I have had to undergo; it has also given me a mental resilience that has proved to be invaluable in helping me cope with the psychological impact of living daily with the impact of cancer.


I know there are a lot of us out there living with a cancer diagnosis, many of us already do run; some might just be looking for a way to work through the impact of a life changing, often life limiting, illness. 


Whatever you might want to do, joining Cancer United will give you so many options to enjoy sport, physical activity or the joy of singing which being a part of OUTSINGCANCER choir I have really enjoyed over the past three years.   


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