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E X E R C I S E  O N  T H E  W A R D

Dan's Story

When you watch Dan Boardman tell his own story of cancer, you will hear what inspired him to want to work with Cancer United to create ‘CU On The Ward’. This four part exercise programme is the first of its kind created by a team of cancer exercise specialists and approved by clinicians working with and supporting Cancer United.

Dan Boardman

C A M P A I G N  A M B A S S A D O R 

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S U P P O R T E D  B Y  T H E  W E S T E R N  F O U N D A T I O N  N H S  T R U S T

The Programme

  • Four part exercise programme accessible via YouTube.

  • Tailored exercise programme created and produced by a cancer specific trained exercise specialist from Cancer United.

  • Online helpdesk to answer any questions or issues you may have.

  • Exercise from the safety of your ward.

  • Access to the video at any time.

  • Exercise with the videos as many times as you wish.

  • Get fitter, get stronger.

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Together we can get you started on your pathway to get fitter, more able to cope with your treatment; in and outside of hospital.

‘CU On The Ward’ is a completely free exercise programme for hospital patients funded by donations raised by our ‘CU On The Ward’ campaign headed up by Dan Boardman.

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‘CU On The Ward’ is a completely free exercise programme for hospital patients funded by public donations; if you would like to support our ‘CU On The Ward’ project, help us give access to cancer patients in all hospitals across the UK, you can do so by making a one-off donation or a recurring monthly donation.

L I F E  A F T E R


Cancer United has been helping and supporting cancer patients through exercise, sport and physical activity for the past ten years; face to face in our gym and for the past two year online, something we are extremely proud of. We have a whole range of benefits that we offer to our members including the joy of music and singing in a choir which we would love to offer to you after ‘CU On The Ward’.  We are here for you so just contact us to find out how we can help.

Click on a logo below to find out more about the benefits we offer to our members.

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